Secured and seamless Data Ingestion - PSPL EDGE - centralizes data acquired from different sources & Securely transmits the data to the Cloud database through Parentheses secured channel data communication tunnel, ensuring the immutability and secrecy of the data
Data Analysis - Identification & Data classification as per the in-efficiencies / Anomalies across the Man, Machine, Materials & Method Value Chains of the manufacturing process. Empowering Intelligent computing not only in the cloud but also on the EDGE.
Prescriptive Actions - AI / ML derived Action Boards suggesting Real-Time - Prescriptive as well as Corrective actions not only to resolve the anomaly around the failure node but also around all the other impacting areas across 4M value chain of the manufacturing shop floor. The Deep learning algorithms keeps track of all such corrective actions and keep self-learning around these action so as to keep self-aligning the platform towards continuous improvements and their impact on the value chain..
Maximization - The Deep Learning Algorithms and HuMaC’s ability to Self-organize itself enables the Manufacturing environment towards Continuous Improvements & Maximizing Man Machine Margins.
Establishing the data connectivity – HuMaC is equipped for data acquisition from SMART, Semi- SMART or Non-SMART Machines / Equipment’s / environments regardless of machines, protocols and ages of the equipment. HuMaC can seamlessly be a part of any purpose build plant infrastructure without having to invest upfront on the infrastructure enhancements.